
Saturday 21 July 2012

The Ladybird.

He crawled along the window ledge,
And scuttled on those little legs,
Those tiny appendages;he stopped.
To look at the world,he stopped.
Wiggled his bottom,and paused to wedge
Himself,in the cracked corner of my window.
He twitched his antennae once,then
Twice;he twitched them in greeting.
And I too,waved my hand and
Smiled,waiting for him to show
Me;what he would do next.
Those beady black eyes of his,
That stared unflinchingly,
At nothing.He was safe in his makeshift home.
Suddenly;he squirmed,and came to sit on top of my text.
I laughed at his audacity,
That tiny dot,no bigger than
The letters on my page.What bravery!
What courage!He was definitely different;
Or maybe just stupid.I felt a flash of pity.
Nobody stops to look at this tiny creature,
Nobody pays him any attention,no.
I decided that I would protect this bug.
He was mine,this pretty work of nature.
Just then,(oh,curse my luck.)
A gust of wind blew.
And away he flew,


Sunday 8 July 2012

Everybody's got a dark side.

I don't like falling in love.It brings despair.

I don't like being desperate.I don't like losing someone.I don't like to think that I've failed.

But,I have.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Yes,these are my birds. :)

Like one of the cutest pictures I had,it's like,been ages.Dunno where I dug this out from,but yeah.It's cute. :P

Long time no see.

I really,really feel like,y'know,falling for somebody.Just like that.

Oh,and the 'staring game' with my neighbor.It's still on. :P

Just that he's got an incredibly weird last name (from my P.O.V),and I've got an incredibly weird first name (from his P.O.V)
But,on the plus side,he's cute.Oh,damn it,I'll never get the courage to talk to him.I've considered crazy ideas like flashing a sign with my number in it,or stuff like "hey!You're cute."

And I just discovered Pierre Khoury is one year younger to me.
*fangirl squeal* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Okay,I'm hyperventilating.BUT HE IS JUST SO CUTE. >.<

And then when they eliminated Pierre I was like

That face of his,that sad,sad face. Oh god.

But then again,I was like,happy for Isabella,because I don't really like Jack all that much.

And during that episode where Sofia and Cassidy cooked Madras curry for the Sydney Swans I was totally like "Indian food FTW!!!YEAHH!!!"

And then I realised I was having something that looked like this.

MFW food is shown on MasterChef and I'm eating some random crap.


.......I think it would be safe to assume that I'm sprawled out on the floor with a nosebleed.

Tomboy out.

Saturday 26 May 2012

Call,me maybe? LOL no.

So,I've been wondering.What is this Love? Shakespeare keeps ranting about it in a way that's honestly overkill,trust me.

Love this,love that,endless love. [GOD WHATDIDIJUSTREADFUUUUU!!!!]

And then we're like "B---h please,this is the 21st century".Love like that doesn't exist anymore.And even if it does,we don't like.Period.

Although I would say that this,is heights of desperation.I would never,EVER,imagine myself doing this.Screw poetic license,this video is crap.This is not love.This is a woman who's hormonal.

Although THIS,made me crack up. xD

Well,there was a time when I was all gooey and mushy and head over heels for a guy.But then,we both moved on.

Fun,well you can take it to a point,but after that it gets boring.I never really tried falling in love after that.Maybe I want to,but.Who knows. :)

Maybe I'll find someone.


Now it's this word maybe that's starting to become overkill. :P


For a creative writer possession of the "truth" is less important than emotional sincerity.

-George Orwell

Another meaningless poem.

Let's stop,and sit for a while.
On that dilapidated park bench,
Let's look at the lonely cherry blossoms,drifting apart.
Let's blink,and stare at each other,
Laugh like crazy,and pretend to be French.

Let's share this loneliness,
And feel the feathers brush past us.
Let's disappear into the night sky,
And play tag with the stars.
Let's party all night,'cause we be famous.

Let's take a bunch of pencils,
And scribble to our heart's content.
On this white paper,that's our life.
Let's draw pictures,of meaningless feelings,
Jump into someone's life,and leave a noticeable dent.

Just you and me.
Just me and you.
Forever? Do you want to?
Maybe you do.


Monday 21 May 2012


Yeah,so I FINALLY watched Avengers.All these jokes circulating on Facebook and Tumblr,and all I could do was say "huh?"

Hahahaha I'm so in love with Iron Man.A.k.a Tony Stark.

I met up with two people I know,from Le Awesome anime club,and one of them is like this brilliant artist.


We were like,hanging around the mall that's closest to my house,and we went to get some ice-cream,and it turns out,that we both (ArtistGuy and me)chose the same flavor,[Blackcurrant] {'Cause there was no chocolate,so I chose blackcurrant.}

.....That was surprising.I didn't expect that. ^

So we were like,talking about general stuff,and the crazy fun that happened in yesterday's meet.It was fuuuunn.I hope I can do something like this again,some other time.

'Till then,ja ne~