
Monday 26 March 2012

KAC Is za Best.

Today.A day of mixed feelings,a day of absolute,pure,unadulterated fun.

Yesterday.A day to remember.
It was absolutely amazing,so good that I'll never forget it,ever.
Here's a brief description of all who attended the KAC 13th mini meet.

1)Like I said,I'm a narcissist.So my name is on top of the list.
Meet Roop-chan,the host (Read:Life) of the party! ;)

2)My wonderful,wonderful bestie,Oi-chan.
I cannot tell you how happy I was when you were the first one to arrive.Love you. <3 Meet Oi-chan,the quiet camerama-..wait.Woman. 3)Filter dadu,'amake amar moto thakte dao',and as the advertisement goes, "Why should boys have all the fun"? ;D Meet Filter dadu,our very own "Censor-board". 4)Hizibizi,the annoying wisecrack.Ahh,Hizi-san,you're awesome,but Y U get on my nerves all the time? >.<"
Meet Hizi-san,Mr.Paparazzi 2012.

5)Ah,Sunny.I have loads to write about you.Unfortunately,I don't
have that much time,so here goes.You're that one person,whom I
felt awkward around.And,you said very correctly.We both know way
too many things for our own good.And I'm so,so glad I finally got to
meet you. :)
Meet Sunny,Mr.B'Day boy,who'll turn 19 this year. :3

6)Mr shy troll.Mukh khulle toh besh bhaat beroy,amader moto.
So no fear.No need to feel shy around us.
And that moment when I went to take the DVD collection,and you
thought was trying to shake your hand. LOL xD
And,night stay hobe.After I grow up. :P
Meet Mr. Shy Troll,the very diplomatic person.

7)Saint Beji,amader "bheri own".You see what I told you about
growing up?You grow up,people won't make fun of you.But don't lose
that good behavior of yours.It's a very nice thing about you.
Meet Saint Beji,#1 Kid who's picked on. :P

8)Saya-tan!! *hugs* I'm glad you came.We had such a lot of fun!!
And P.S:Your lap is pretty comfortable,might I add? :P
Meet Saya-tan,Mrs.Crazy Cat lady! xP

9)Miss designer,yaar aap toh bade hot ho.
I'm sorry that you were getting bored at first,but then I think you
and my mom got along well.
Come over,anytime.Feel free. :D
Meet Miss Designer,the Pretty Woman.

10)And at last,the surprise visitor,KuroNeko.
You really surprised us all by paying a visit.I had no idea that you would be coming.
Thank you so much for coming! <3
Meet KuroNeko,Miss Surprise visitor. :D

We're all such damn cheeky people,I had NO idea. :P
Well,I'd love to do this again.IT WAS HILARIOUS.
We're so cool.
Well..that's all folks! :3


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